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Device doesn't turn off the screen?
Hello everybody I purchased the XYSTEC ZX-5539. While I am in principle happy with the device there is one thing that seems to not work as expected. I am using the dock with an Mac M1. The screen of ...
Obsidian 插件
功能 1. 打开每日笔记 2. 打开特定笔记 3. 运行命令 使用方法: 1. 在 Obsidian 中安装 local-REST-API 插件,从设置中获取 API Key 2. 填入对应的 API Key 即可 3. 打开笔记的路径为相对于库目录的路径,比如你的 ...

Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|Stream Dock 论坛 ( 粤ICP备16086630号 )

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